Sunday, 9 September 2012

TMB - Day 3: nr. Col du Balme (29km)

If I'm completely honest this isn't going well!
Two days in and I'm way behind my distance with almost no hope of catching up. The weather was once again amazing, at one point my thermometer recorded 27 degrees - great if you're on a beach!
It's also a real struggle to get enough water, I'm drinking litres but there aren't many places to refill.
On the plus side I'm in my lovely warm sleeping bag hoping to get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow I re-adjust my plans.
Sorry no photos
I've also got a broken camera a broken spork :(


  1. hi mate how it going

  2. Alan hope al goes well tomorrow and it gets a bit easier walking. Mum Dad

  3. Hi Alan , keep your spirits ,hope you had a better day, love mum & dad
