Saturday, 6 November 2010

Offa's dyke : day 6

Sadly, despite my plans this will be the last day of my walk. I pushed on into the night on day 5 and despite some awfully hilly terrain and (believe it or not!) Strong wind and rain managed to get to 87 miles. The day had been long, it was gone 9pm when I finally set up camp, 14 hours since I had started. I cooked some soup and went to bed feeling jaded but in positive mood.
A few hours later I woke suddenly and very quickly grabbed to where the freezer bags I was carrying were. Three things now come to mind;
1 - Thank God I was carrying freezer bags otherwise I would still be cleaning the tent.
2 - Thank God they weren't carrier bags: those holes in the bottom do they really save children's lives, or just piss-off people who use them in bins (or those being sick) ?
3 - Thank God I'd bought the 2 litre freezer bags not the 1 litre.

At this point I ultimately new it was over and although I allowed myself an extra hour before getting-up in the morning, my body felt lifeless and empty. I laboured along for a couple of miles, mostly to see if I would have a miraculous turn-around, then plans changed to getting home.

The situation is incredibly disappointing but I am stupid, not reckless, and as such it was the only sensible decision to make.
It is so great to have to the support of so many good people throughout and I'm sure I'll be worrying you all again soon with something else particularly daft!

I'll upload the pictures as soon as I can.
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