Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Day 1: cont.

It's now 10:08pm and over 4 hours since leaving Stockholm. The glorious sunshine remained throughout the day until finally ducking below the horizon a short while ago, the place is now bathed in a warm tranquil dusk.
The weather may have been consistent but the surroundings certainly have not, over the last few hours the vast grassy expanses and woodland have been replaced by dominating pine forests and seemingly endless lakes.
Now, as the last light slowly ebbs away, I can only wonder what changes will continue beyond my sight.
That's the travel writer bit done, the truth of the matter is that I'm on a train drinking a £6 can of beer (first great western?), looking across an amazing changing landscape (scotish rail?) and come daylight it will a changed again as the mountains come into reach.
A truly fascinating way of building my excitement yet further ... God, this beer is strong!!
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