Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Day 8: 106km travelled

Well, that's it my trip across the wilderness inside the arctic circle is done and what a memorable experience it has been. If I was to try and describe this place I would start by saying that it is like taking the best parts of Snowdonia, the Brecons, the Highlands and the Lake district putting them together and multiplying them several times over. It is vast, majestic and I love it! The effort taken getting here, hauling a heavy a pack for 5 days up mountains and down valleys is nothing when I think about the number of times I stopped in awe of the view in front of me. Don't misunderstand me this has happened in the UK many times but the frequency and the variation of wonderment is what has stood out, even on the most boring path you're expecting a mountain with glacial canyon to jump from nowhere and suprise you - generally one did!
I have been on harder walks and this certainly could have been harder had I pushed my distances but this was not about being on the limit of my physical ability I wanted to enjoy this place as something very different, something I may never do again.
In reality I think there is every chance I shall return to this part of the world.

What a shame that I am in a place as tranquil and serene as any I have ever known and the cities of Britain are being gutted by mindless idiots who believe they are proving a point to the powers that be. Yes, you are proving a point, that respect has to be earned and you don't deserve it! Rant over!
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