So my efforts to conquer Kebnekaise came unstuck this afternoon, not for trying. The cloud level was, for the most part, sitting about 1000m and unfortunately Keb is over 2000m. On the route to Keb there is a peak at 1600m (which has an unpronouncable name). I completely lost the trail twice before I had even got to 1100m and had to completely back-track, that cost me nearly 2 hours and almost caused me to give up completely. Luckily there was a slight break in the cloud and momentarily I could see the trail I was searching for, once back on course I was able to stay with the track despite visibility dropping to within 10m on occasions, rarely more than about 30m at the best of times. My persistent side keep my moving on, scrambling almost at some point but having made my way to the peak of Keb's little brother it was just not sensible to continue.
I made it safely back down the mountain, a cold and tiring experience but well worth the effort. Since my return I have enjoyed the luxuries of a shower, a sauna and dinner in the restaurant - fixed menu with a fish main course, the vegetarian indian stew was great though.
After all this living it up I shall be retiring to my cold, damp tent for an uncomfortable nights sleep.
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